Dalival SAS
Château de Noue
02200 | Villers-Cotterêts | France
Tél.: + (+33) (0)3 23 96 56 50
Mail: info@dalival.com
VAT: FR 91 78 60 95 851
SIREN : 786 095 851
Legal notice www.dalival.com |
The managers of the publication are : |
The company responsible for hosting the www.dalival.com website is: KOOKLINE, SARL au capital de 25 000 euros, dont le siège social est situé 16 Rue de la Planchonnais, 44980 Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire Immatriculée au R.C.S de NANTES, sous le numéro 488 913 443. Téléphone : 09 70 75 46 28 Courriel : support@niwanet.net
The website is exclusive property of DALIVAL |
Technical development: KOOKLine (advice, sitemap, integration, development). Graphics design: CARAMEL (brand universe, graphics concept, graphics models). |
Website navigation is subordinated to the full acceptance and fulfilment of the following usage conditions by users. |
Users commit hereinafter to make a personal and non commercial use of the data that appear on the website. In the event of not fulfilling the above, users may incur in civil and/or criminal liabilities. |
Website content |
DALIVAL operates the www.dalival.com website. |
The site presents activities, products and services of the company DALIVAL. |
Intellectual property |
The site constitutes author works of DALIVAL as per sections L111.1 and subsequent in the French intellectual property rights code. |
Generally, the data, programs, musical samples, text, data, logos, visual identities, animated images* or not and the various formats that appear in the Site are property of DALIVAL and are protected to this respect by the French intellectual property rights code. |
Some images have been made by our photographer: Xavier Benony (www.xavier-benony.com) |
Users shall commit to not use and not allow anybody to use such content for illegal purposes. |
Any representation or reproduction, in full or in part, permanent or temporary, on computer media and/or paper and through any means (especially through framing*) of any element of the Site or services proposed for sale, is forbidden without the proper and express consent of DALIVAL, which shall constitute an offence that could entail civil and/or criminal rulings. Only paper printing is authorised for private copy for the exclusive use of the person that makes the copy, by virtue of section L122-5 2 of the French intellectual property rights code. |
It shall not be allowed to set any links to the Site without the prior and express approval from DALIVAL. |
*Action of capturing the content of web pages from an Internet site to transfer it to their own website through a link, making such content appear as own. |
Personal Data Protection |
Users may be asked to provide certain personal details to the forms proposed to them. DALIVAL needs such data to handle requests carried out by users. |
DALIVAL commits to respect the provisions in Act 78-17, 6 January 1978 as amended, regarding IT, archives and freedom and take all necessary precautions to preserve the safety of trusted nominal data. No personal details shall be communicated to third party companies without the prior and express authorisation of the user. |
The DALIVAL internet site have been declared in CNIL with number : n°1979700 |
Liability |
DALIVAL declines and liability with regards to possible site faults that may cause a data loss or unavailability of access to information contained therein. |
Website elements may be modified without prior warning and are available to users without any kind of guarantee, express or implied. |
The presence of Website links, regardless of a prior approval from DALIVAL, does not create any liability between it and the owners of other sites with regards to the content of the sites that the user is redirected to. |
DALIVAL cannot guarantee the comprehensiveness or accuracy appearing the website. Likewise, it cannot guarantee modification by a third party (intrusion, virus). |
In addition, users shall be solely responsible for the use of website content. Unless due to a serious fault by DALIVAL, the responsibility of the latter for direct or indirect damage related to the use of the data that appears in the website shall not be engaged. |
Applicable law and jurisprudence |
The data on the website and use made of them are exclusively subject to French law. Only the tribunals included in the jurisdiction of the Rennes Appeals Court shall be competent to solve possible lawsuits derived from the use of the Site. |
Cookie data in our site |
Data about your browsing may be kept in “cookies”, installed in your computer, tablet, smartphone. |
A cookie is a small text file that is kept in your computer, table, smartphone… which records the website visited through the browser. Cookies can have multiple uses: |
Cookies necessary for operation of the website: allow guaranteeing the proper display of account pages or shopping cart, for example. |
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Third party cookies: certain pages may shared with favourite social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+… These social networks can leave a cookie on sharing; something that we do not have control of. All information on cookies stored by the various social networks can be found checking their legal notices. |
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You can see possible cookie restrictions in the Help menu of your browser: |
Warning: if you reject all cookies, in some cases you will not be able to use certain site functions. |
For further information on the use of cookies, please visit the CNIL website: http://www.cnil.fr/vos-frotis/vos-traces/les-cookies |
Updated 18 Mai 2016