Origin : traditional French variety
Picking date : 10 days before Golden Delicious
Fruit size : 65/75
Uses : delicious autumn variety
Blossom date : mid season (as for Golden Delicious)
Pollinator : Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Gala, Fuji, Reine des Reinettes, Malus INRA Perpetu® Evereste, Malus Golden Gem, Malus INRA Baugene
Vigour : average
Time till first cropping / yields : very susceptible to fruit fall / excessive yields
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : very susceptible to alternate bearing / thinning difficult and compulsory
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : average susceptibility to powery meldew. The variety does not seem to be susceptible to canker nor scab.
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