Origin : Sport of Golden Delicious, USA
Licence holder : Castang
Picking date : Golden Delicious
Fruit size : 70/85
Uses : best eating qualities in mountainous areas. This sport is well adapted for the South European markets which prefer a yellow fruit
Blossom date : Mid late
Pollinator : Red Delicious, Gala, Fuji, Reine des Reinettes, Canopy, Malus Golden Gem, Malus INRA Baugene
Vigour : average to good
Time till first cropping / yields : very rapid / excellent yields in the suitable locations
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : low susceptibility to alternate bearing / rather easy chemical thinning
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : susceptible to scab, average susceptibility to mildew, low susceptibility to canker
Request Quotation - GOLDEN SMOOTHEE® CG10YD