Resistant varieties; Varieties for organic orchards; Varieties for farm shops
Season 2024/2025 | Season 2025/2026 | |
Trees | M9 Pajam®2 Cepiland | M9 T337 |
Trees | M9 EMLA | Unavailable |
Trees | Geneva® G11 | Unavailable |
Graftwood / Budwood | √ | √ |
Origin : Cross of Golden Delicious and Coop17, USA
Breeder : Purdue Research Fondation
Licence holder : Consortium européen PRF
Picking date : Late season
Fruit size : 70/80
Uses : very good variety for farm shops late sales. Very good variety for quality orientated markets (late sales). Can be marketed after INRA Belchard® Chanteclerc. Suitable for organic orchards
Blossom date : 2 days before Golden Delicious
Pollinator : Malus INRA Perpetu® Evereste, Malus INRA Baugene, Malus Golden Gem, Dalinbel, Ariane, Story® Inored, Canopy
Vigour : weak as soon as the trees start to produce
Time till first cropping / yields : rapid / good yields
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : possible susceptibility to alternate bearing if the crop is too heavy / rather difficult thinning (between Golden Delicious and Gala)
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : resistant to the common scab strains (gen Vf), susceptible to mildew, tolerant to rosy apple aphid
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