Resistant varieties; Varieties for organic orchards; Varieties for farm shops
Season 2024/2025 | Season 2025/2026 | |
Trees | Unavailable | M9 Pajam®2 Cepiland |
Origin : cross Topaz x Fuji from the Swiss research programme
Breeder : Agroscope (Switzerland)
Licence holder : Varicom
Picking date : Braeburn
Fruit size : 70/80
Uses : Scab-resistant variety ideal for spring sales, one of the best to be eaten after storage.
Blossom date : as Gala
Pollinator : to be determined
Type of tree : open tree, easy to grow
Vigour : average
Time till first cropping / yields : time until first cropping: rapid / good yields
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : rather low susceptibility to biannual bearing, but vigilance is required / easy thinning
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : resistant to common scab strains (Rvi6 gene), tolerant to fire blight and not very susceptible to powdery mildew.
Request Quotation - IORI P.V.R. applied for
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