Origin : Cross of 2 scab resistant selections of INRAE, France
Breeder : INRAE / Novadi
Licence holder : Novadi
Picking date : Mid-season
Fruit size : 65/80
Uses : scab resistant variety with good eating qualities and good storage potential. Variety released under a selected distribution network scheme
Pollinator : Goldrush® Coop 38, Malus INRA Perpetu® Evereste
Vigour : strong
Time till first cropping / yields : rapid / very good yields but tendacy to fruit sizes
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : low susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning needs to be controlled to avoid small fruit sizes
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : resistant to the common scab strains (gen Vf) but susceptible to rosy apple apphid. Good tolerance to sooty blotch
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