Origin : Traditional French variety
Picking date : Idared, 15 days after Golden Delicious
Fruit size : 65/75
Uses : Dessert and cooking apple with good storage potential. To be eaten after December
Blossom date : 10 days after Golden Delicious
Pollinator : late-flowering variety: any variety with long or late blossom such as Dalinsweet to be reinforced by Malus Bauflor and Belchard® Chantecler
Vigour : Strong
Time till first cropping / yields : Slow to average / average to good yields
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : Verys susceptible to alternate bearing / difficult to thin. Hand thinning is necessary
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : susceptible to sunburn, low susceptibility to scab (due to the late blossom and the leaves appearing after bloom)
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