Origin : Variety mainly planted in Normandy
Picking date : Harvest time: mid to late October
Uses : Bitter-sweet variety ripening from mid-October. Productive variety, not very alternating but requiring thinning; the sugar content of the fruit is insufficient (low density of the must). When the erect branches of the first years have been managed correctly, the management of the tree is quite simple.
Cider: sweet
Thanks to IFPC for the information
Blossom date : early May
Pollinator : Douce Coëtligné, Petit Jaune, Fréquin Rouge, Saint Martin
Vigour : average
Time till first cropping / yields : 35-40 tons/ha
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : Reaction to chemical thinning: fairly good, easy to regulate variety.
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : Scab: low - Powdery mildew: medium - Canker: medium - Fire blight: susceptible on flowers and shoots.
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