Origin : An English variety, initially planted mainly in the Pays de la Loire and more recently throughout the French cider-growing area.
Picking date : Harvest time: late October to early November
Uses : Bitter-sweet variety ripening at the end of October. Rustic, not very alternating and productive, Dabinett is the most common variety in the English low-stem cider orchard. It gives the cider a more bitter and astringent character than the French "bittersweet" varieties. The pH of the mash has the particularity of being high. A high trellis may be necessary to keep the vertical axis straight. To be planted in fairly fertile soils: Requires a sustained supply of potassium.
Cider: moderately tannic (bitterness and astringency more perceptible than in single-varietal ciders of French bittersweet varieties such as Douce Moën, Bedan, Bisquet, Binet Rouge, etc.)
Thanks to IFPC for the information.
Blossom date : beginning of May - very spread out flowering. Characteristics : secondary flowering in summer quite frequent
Pollinator : Michelin, Bisquet, Judor
Vigour : low to medium
Time till first cropping / yields : 35-40 tons/ha
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : Reaction to chemical thinning: average. Stressing effect of hormones (ANA) on fruit development (presence of "pygmy" fruits at harvest)
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : Scab: low - Powdery mildew: low to medium (on shoots) - Canker: low. Fire blight: not tested but according to observations in the orchard very sensitive on flowers (spread flowering!).
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