Origin : Variety implanted in the whole French cider area
Picking date : Harvest time: early to mid-October. Characteristics: The fruit has a high growth potential (90 to 100 g).
Uses : Mild variety, ripening at the beginning of October, with a good preservation of the fruit on the ground. A fairly hardy variety which, when the management of the trees is well controlled, has a good potential. Sensitive to potassium deficiency, this variety should nevertheless be planted in moderately fertile soils.
Cider: sweet.
Thanks to IFPC for the information
Blossom date : early May. Characteristics: strangulation of the axis due to the presence of numerous strong branches in the lower part of the tree, particularly marked on this variety.
Pollinator : Kermerrien, Petit Jaune, Fréquin Rouge, Rouget de Dol, Guillevic
Vigour : medium to strong
Time till first cropping / yields : 30-35 tons/ha
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : Reaction to chemical thinning: low to medium (medium to high for PRM12) depending on vigour and crop load.
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : Scab: low - Powdery mildew: medium to high (on shoots) - Canker: medium on young trees. Fire blight: fairly susceptible on flowers and shoots.
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