Origin : Parents: Binet Rouge x X3189
Breeder : IFPC and INRAE
Licence holder : CEP Innovation
Picking date : Harvest time: late November to early December
Uses : Mild variety maturing at the end of November to the beginning of December. Good productivity, low to medium vigour, hence the need for a soil/rootstock context of sufficient vigour. The tree's naturally drooping habit facilitates its training. The tree must be trained or trellised high to keep the axis straight. In fertile soils, alternation is easier to control (risk of alternation if insufficient vigour). Sustained thinning from the first heavy load (3rd leaf) is strongly recommended. Good behaviour to bio-aggressors but sensitive to new races of scab.
Cider: sweet profile close to Clos Renaux or Doux Véret de Carrouges.
Thanks to IFPC for the information
Blossom date : end of April (close to Judeline)
Pollinator : Malus Baugene, Malus Bauflor
Vigour : low to medium
Time till first cropping / yields : 30-40 tonnes/ha (essais en cours)
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : Fruit set rate quite high on the whole. Other particularity: a very high number of seeds per fruit
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : Scab: low susceptibility to common races; susceptible to new races - Powdery mildew: low - Canker: low.
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