Origin : Variety implanted in the whole French cider area
Picking date : Harvest time: mid-October. Characteristics: variety reacting strongly to stress (summer pruning, lack of water,...) by blocking the size of the fruit. Also, the harvest can, in some years, be more spread out with 2 peaks of fruit fall: end of September then mid-October.
Uses : Bitter-sweet variety ripening from early to mid-October, average productivity. Moderately hardy variety with good technological quality (very rich in sugars), used for cider production. To be planted in fairly fertile soils, with good water reserves (regular water stress can strongly penalise the yield).
Cider: bitter taste.
Thanks to IFPC for the information
Blossom date : early May
Pollinator : Kermerrien, Petit Jaune, Fréquin Rouge, Rouget de Dol, Guillevic, Saint Martin, Douce Coëtligné, René Martin, Moulin à Vent, Noël des champs.
Vigour : medium to strong
Time till first cropping / yields : 25-30 tons/ha
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : Reaction to chemical thinning: average. Controlling flowering on one year old wood (on young trees) reduces the biannual bearing.
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : Scab: average - Powdery mildew: average to high (flower clusters) - Canker: average on young trees. Fire blight: susceptible on flowers and shoots.
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