Origin : Fréquin Rouge x X3189
Breeder : IFPC and INRAE
Licence holder : CEP Innovation
Picking date : Harvest time: early to mid-November
Uses : A bitter variety that ripens in mid-November, with average productivity, especially given its low production in the first few years. Its interest lies above all in its technological qualities (rich in sugars and tannins) and its ripening period. The range of bitter varieties is poor in November. Stubby wood, requiring a bowing during the tree's formation phase; avoid soils that are too fertile, heavy pruning, favour bowing because the variety has a difficult fruit set (put it in optimum pollination conditions). The cultivation of Fréquinette is delicate in the first few years in areas susceptible to canker.
Cider: strongly bitter and astringent (similar to Jeanne Renard)
Thanks to IFPC for the information.
Blossom date : end of April - beginning of May. Characteristics: triploid variety
Pollinator : Malus Baugene, Malus Bauflor
Vigour : strong
Time till first cropping / yields : 20 - 30 tons/ha
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : Reaction to chemical thinning: strong (due to its triploidy) - chemical thinning not recommended until fruit set is sufficient
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : Disease susceptibility: Scab: low to medium - Powdery mildew: low - Canker: medium to high. Fire blight: strong attack observed on a tree at INRAE (49)
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