Origin : Variety established throughout the French cider-growing area
Picking date : Harvest time: early to mid-November
Uses : Acidic variety maturing in the second half of October, with high productivity but very alternate. Fairly hardy variety except for its high susceptibility to scab.
Cider: variety used to add acidity to ciders .
Thanks to IFPC for the information
Blossom date : end of April - beginning of May
Pollinator : Kermerrien, Fréquin Rouge Petit, Rouget de Dol, Guillevic
Vigour : average
Time till first cropping / yields : 35-40 tons/ha
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : Reaction to chemical thinning: weak but essential
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : Scab: medium to high - Powdery mildew: low - Canker: low - Fire blight: not very susceptible on flowers and shoots
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