Breeder : INRAE
Licence holder : CEP Innovation
Picking date : Harvest time: end of September, 10 days after Golden Delicious, about one week after Kermerrien, around 25 September in Normandy.
Uses : Red-fleshed apple tree for the production of cider and rosé juice. Rustic variety with a very good colour stability of the juice.
Thanks to IFPC for the information.
Blossom date : Flowering: early, 10 days after Golden Delicious, 20-25 April in Normandy
Pollinator : Judeline, Judaine, Amanda, Shamrock, Douce de l’Avent
Vigour : Vigour: average. Growth habit: very flexible, drooping, trellising strongly recommended.
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : Biannual bearing: regular variety. Reaction to chemical thinning: no data available
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : Disease susceptibility: hardy variety (no susceptibility to scab, powdery mildew, canker); moniliosis may be observed in case of fruit clusters. Be vigilant for possible symptoms of fire blight.
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