Origin : Fréquin Rouge x X3189
Breeder : IFPC and INRAE
Licence holder : CEP Innovation
Picking date : Harvest time: mid-October
Uses : Sweet to bittersweet variety, maturing mid-October. Good productivity with a tendency to alternate, however. Good behaviour towards pests and diseases (study of new scab races in progress). The tree's habit is basitone: training pruning is essential.
Cider: bitter sweet (similar to Dabinett but less astringent).
Thanks to IFPC for the information.
Blossom date : end of April - beginning of May (close to the parent Fréquin Rouge Petit). Characteristics: quite important biannual bearing
Pollinator : Kéramère COV, Kermerrien
Vigour : average
Time till first cropping / yields : 30-40 tons/ha (trials in progress)
Susceptibility to alternate bearing / thinning : Reaction to chemical thinning: no information; trials in progress. Rate of fruit set quite high on the whole.
Susceptibility / resistance to diseases : Scab: good behaviour towards common races; study of susceptibility to new races in progress - Powdery mildew: low - Canker: average susceptibility.
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